Polymer physics

The study of polymers, their fluctuations, mechanical characteristics, and the dynamics of reactions involving the degradation and polymerization of monomers and polymers, respectively, are all topics covered in the branch of physics known as polymer physics. Polymer physics was initially a subfield of statistical physics, albeit it now emphasizes the viewpoint of condensed matter physics. In the discipline of polymer science, which is thought of as the practical aspect of polymers, polymer physics and polymer chemistry are also related.

Because polymers are big molecules, they are difficult to solve deterministically. However, since large polymers (i.e., polymers with many monomers) are effectively described in the thermodynamic limit of infinitely many monomers, statistical approaches can produce findings and are frequently relevant (although the actual size is clearly finite). The morphology of polymers in liquid solutions is continuously influenced by thermal fluctuations, and statistical mechanics and dynamics techniques must be used to explain this effect. The physical behavior of polymers in solution is greatly influenced by temperature as a consequence, leading to phase changes, melts, and other phenomena.


    Related Conference of Polymer physics

    May 30-31, 2024

    9th Annual Conference and Expo on Biomaterials

    Vienna, Austria

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