Pieter Samyn
University Hasselt, Hasselt, Belgium
Pieter Samyn studied from 1996-2001 Materials Science and Engineering at Ghent University (Belgium) and completed his Ph.D. in 2007 on polymer tribology. After post-doc positions at Department of Textiles (Ghent) and Department of Microsystems Engineering (Freiburg), he was appointed as a Juniorprofessor in Bio-based Materials Engineering at University of Freiburg (2010-2016). He moved to University of Hasselt in 2016, focusing on valorization of biomass for functional biocomposites and devices. In particular, he works on the processing of bio-based composites and papers providing new surface properties and technological functionalities, in combination with analytical service tools. He is currently involved in the implementation of biobased materials in functional coating applications for industrial applications at Sirris, Belgium.