Samantha Borja
Escuela Politécnica Nacional,Ecuador
Samantha Borja is 22 years old, she is studying the last semester of Chemical Engineering at the National Polytechnic School in Quito, Ecuador. She has specialized in the mention of Food Technology and Environmental Remediation. Currently, she is part of a research project to obtain adhesives from Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) and chemically modified starch, which comes from different botanical sources such as oca (Oxalis tuberosa) and achira (Canna edulis). She has previously participated as speaker at the CONEIQ 2018, carried out at the San Francisco of Quito University, with the subject of degradation of azoic dye Direct Blue BRL through two absorption techniques:Fenton and Persulfate ions
Abstract : Adhesive based upon polyvinyl alcohol and chemical modified oca (Oxalistuberosa) starch